The processes of steel industry are highly energy intensive and comprised of many complex unit operations. Iron ore and coal need pre-processing before feeding into a reactor, and liquid metals from different reactors need to be carefully handled. Further liquid steel is to be converted into solid form and then rolled into finished products. Each of these operations has a stake in the quality of steel produced, and also needs constant monitoring. There are many systems available for monitoring and controlling each unit operation. The process control systems in steel industry ranges from manual control to fully automated controls.
Role of automation system in steel industry include smooth, accurate and stable functioning of the production processes, basically employed to produce finished steel products from raw/semi-finished materials using energy, manpower and equipment and infrastructure.
Since the steel industry being essentially a “systematic economic activity”, the fundamental objective of the industry is to make profit which can be maximized by producing quality products in larger volumes with less production cost and time, and hence deployment of automation system in steel industry becomes essential. The advantages Automation.
We are providing automation solutions in major portions of iron and Steel industry. We are also providing integrations solutions of any PLC, SCADA and DCS system. Our solutionsprovide starts from the Basic automation to advanced technologies based on the industry requirement and standards. The following major areas could be automated,