We truly believe you as a potential employee will bring in your talents to help our customer the best way possible. We are already excited to meet you. You will have these principles imbibed in our organisation that can tip your decision in favour of us.
Do you have the passion to excel, urge to be creative, a never-ending thirst for knowledge and the desire to grow? Then, Zriya is the right place for you because we focus on building a culture of innovation and breakthrough thinking, which results in value creation. The work environment and corporate culture ensure your personal and professional development along with the overall growth of the organization.
Our user-friendly career section enables you to apply for the desired job.
Submit your resume with a complete list of credentials and provide detailed information about your experience for the position applied.
A recruiter/technical panel will screen your application and if your credentials match with our requirement, we will contact you for further details
The technical interview is a golden opportunity for you to exhibit your technical skills. The questions would range across disciplines and may include puzzle, problems and other out-of-the-box questions.
Here is our chance to get to know each other better. We try to understand your career goals, skills, strengths, passion etc. You can quiz the recruiter anything you would like to know about the position or Zriya as an organization
Finally, if you are successful, an offer is rolled out along with compensation structure and other rules related to employment at Zriya
Ask about the most important responsibilities of your position
Ask about the opportunities of advancement
Inquiry about the company's vision for the future
Send your interviewer an e-mail within 24 hours and thank them for taking the time to interview you.
Before you leave, ask the hiring manager what the time frame is for making a hiring decision.
Only follow up once, even if you don't get a response.
Please check open positions by following the link below and for further information please contact us at careers@zriyasolutions.com.