Zriya Solutions

Product Developement

Product Development has different stages to ensure and finetune to get the expected result at the end. We support our customer to do pre-engineering to understand challenges and possibilities that they forecasted to have as a product. We are majorly providing 4 main supports.

Tech Proof of Concepts

A proof of concept would show whether an idea is feasible from a technology standpoint. A proof of concept would demonstrate financial viability.Developing a proof of concept generally requires some investment of time or other resources, such as supporting technologies or necessary physical components to complete. Going through this process, however, enables companies to determine an idea’s viability before putting production-level resources behind an untested idea. Zriya helps developing a proof of concept can help a product owner to identify potential technical and logistical issues that might interfere with success. We also provides the opportunity for an organization to solicit internal feedback about a promising product or service, while reducing unnecessary risk and exposure and providing the opportunity for stakeholders to assess design choices early in the development cycle.