Simulating Realtime environment and signals to evaluate the controller. It’s a digital twin sometimes where we can do all type testing and observe Realtime behaviour of the hardware and software.
Software In loop testing would be part of software development and sometimes post development where we can perform unit testing, functional testing and feature level testing. It can save product development life cycle to avoid spend more time or more iteration of HIL testing.
Automating manual test cases would save time and money also it would avoid oversee misses which are happening during manual testing. We are expert is developing customized tool or framework as per your testing needs.
In the automotive sector, ISO 26262 “Functional Safety – Road vehicles” is relevant for this purpose. It applies to all automotive manufacturers (OEMs) and their suppliers worldwide. “Functional” safety is intended to ensure that products can be operated safely – even if they fail. For example, your vehicle should only brake if the driver wants it to, but not in all other cases. The aim is therefore to prevent damage to people or the system environment – even if a system fails or runs incorrectly.
We do help our customer in root cause analysis for the specific failure scenarios and reproduce the same in our test environment to evaluate the circumstances and suggest supportive methodology overcome it.
After all level of testing being performed in test environment, we have to evaluate certain scenarios and Realtime performance can be evaluate during on field validation. Later we could do comparison with the lap test result so that upgrade our testing environment simultaneously.