Zriya Solutions

Automotive & Auto Components

Automotive and Auto Components manufacturing Industries are growing very fast in last two decades. They are very much interested and inclined to increase their productivity and quality due increasing demand in market from both customer and competitor. We are offering total plant automation in all the levels to meet their requirement and satisfy their expectation to grow faster with the latest technology.

Production Line automation

Improvising existing Plant line / Creating platform for new plant line.

Monitoring/ Supervision

Centralized Supervisory control to access all plant lines and its live status.


Providing technological solution to meet their region-specific standards.

Factory Automation

Other than the Plant line, there are many potential areas in the factory to automate it to achieve economic facility operation and save more maintenance/running cost.


Logistics is the backbone of these companies, getting spares from their suppliers and assembling to produce a complete car/vehicle. Starting from spare parts inward to final delivery of finish goods requires many intermediate states which can totally automate to have smooth operation and tracking mechanism.


Any customization can be performed based on the requirement, Concept to Deployment support. Cross-platform technology support.